A Proposal for “Sheng Project”
“A Proposal for ‘Sheng Project'” (2015-2021) is a collective curatorial project focused on both the material and immaterial archive of Zheng Shengtian (Sheng). Collected over the course of his personal and institutional practice over six decades in and beyond China, the archive presents to the curatorial team a specific case of intellectual history, one that idiosyncratically navigates pre-socialist, socialist, and post-socialist periods in China.

Proposal | A Proposal for “Sheng Project”
A Proposal for "Sheng Project"
Institute of Contemporary Art and Social Thought of China Academy of Fine Art & Long March Project

A Working Redisplay
Long March Archive
Time: November 15 – 30, 2018
Location: Long March Space, Beijing (formerly known as 25000 Cultural Transmission Center)

Long March Archive
“A Working Redisplay”(2018) led to the initiation of “Long March Archive”, an initiative that can be seen as an ongoing process of self-reflection via the act of archiving, uncovering obscured currents connecting the past and present, in turn inspiring new interpretations of and ways of looking at the Long March Project’s own history. Our work at Long March Archive includes working with objects, texts, films, research materials generated from previous endeavours, as well as the organizing structure and curatorial methodology of the Long March Project.

Building Code Violations III — Special Economic Zone (Guangzhou)
Location: Guangdong Times Museum, Guangzhou
Duration: Sep. 15 – Nov. 11, 2018

Long March Project: Building Code Violations III Special Economic Zone (Beijing)
Location: Long March Space, Beijing (formerly known as 25000 Cultural Transmission Center)
Duration: July 21 – August 26, 2018
Artists: John Gerrard, Ho Rui An, Liu Chuang, Lu Pingyuan, Long March Collective, SCV, Su Yu-Xin, The Otolith Group, The Shanzhai Lyric, Inga Svala Thorsdottir & Wu Shanzhuan, Wang Jianwei, Wang Zi, Yan Lei, Zheng Yuan
Curated by Long March Project

Frontier: Re-assessment of Post-Globalisational Politics
Location: OCAT Institute, Beijing
Duration: Mar. 20 – Jul. 31, 2018