Yan’an Forum on Art Education

Size: 130×185×10mm

Pages: 240

First Printing Time: October 2007

Bound book/Paperback: Paperback

In May 2006, the Long March Project revisited Yan’an and held the Yan’an Forum on Art Education at the old site of The Anti-Japanese Military and Political University and at Yan’an University. The conference was hosted by the Long March Project and 31 delegates participated. This volume documents the three main parts of the discussion, including “Situation and Understanding of Contemporary Chinese Art Education”, “What is Contemporary Art Education? Differences, Challenges, and Breakthroughs”, and “How to Implement Contemporary Art Education?” It is supplemented by written statements, scholars’ articles, and a syllabus for fine arts education. Through dialogues between history and the present, the forum examined the effects of globalization in China, especially on social and cultural development, rural experiences, social mobilization, visual economy, harmonious society, and the impact of visual psychology on the construction of subjectivity.

Please contact us for details and purchasing through press@longmarchspace.com.

In May 2006, the Long March Project revisited Yan’an and held the Yan’an Forum on Art Education at the old site of The Anti-Japanese Military and Political University and at Yan’an University. The conference was hosted by the Long March Project and 31 delegates participated. This volume documents the three main parts of the discussion, including “Situation and Understanding of Contemporary Chinese Art Education”, “What is Contemporary Art Education? Differences, Challenges, and Breakthroughs”, and “How to Implement Contemporary Art Education?” It is supplemented by written statements, scholars’ articles, and a syllabus for fine arts education. Through dialogues between history and the present, the forum examined the effects of globalization in China, especially on social and cultural development, rural experiences, social mobilization, visual economy, harmonious society, and the impact of visual psychology on the construction of subjectivity.

Please contact us for details and purchasing through press@longmarchspace.com.