The Great Survey of Paper-cutting in Yanchuan County

Size: 210×285×7mm

Pages: 80

First Printing Time: 2004

Press: Beijing: 25000 Cultural Transmission Center

Bound book/Paperback: Paperback

“Long March Project — The Great Survey of Paper-cutting in Yanchuan County” was at once an art project and an experiment in social engineering. By inviting contemporary artists and government officials in the arts and cultural departments to “go down to the countryside,” the project launched a county-wide survey of the popularity of the art of paper-cutting. The project culminated in a large-scale exhibition on the current state of folk art, which also provided materials for sociological and anthropological analysis. As the one of a kind case of cooperation in the realm of art and administration between a folk art institution and county government, this revolutionary act of constructing the subjective consciousness from the root continues the market position of Long March Project: that the combination of theory and practice, and art knows no boundaries.

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“Long March Project — The Great Survey of Paper-cutting in Yanchuan County” was at once an art project and an experiment in social engineering. By inviting contemporary artists and government officials in the arts and cultural departments to “go down to the countryside,” the project launched a county-wide survey of the popularity of the art of paper-cutting. The project culminated in a large-scale exhibition on the current state of folk art, which also provided materials for sociological and anthropological analysis. As the one of a kind case of cooperation in the realm of art and administration between a folk art institution and county government, this revolutionary act of constructing the subjective consciousness from the root continues the market position of Long March Project: that the combination of theory and practice, and art knows no boundaries.

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