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Long March Project – Chinatown

Long March Project – Chinatown

“Long March Project – Chinatown” was carried out between 2005-2007 in three locations: Yokohama, San Francisco and Auckland. The project mobilised elements of exhibition, education, activity, investigation, and  performance in its execution. Long March Project’s participation in biennials and academia is not for the purpose of achieving a unique exhibition within existing frameworks, but to employ project frameworks to attain locally-mobilised influence. The various practices that “Chinatown” realizes further complicate the Western idea of the East, the multi-layered richness offered up by the word “Chinatown” entering into the minds of local communities and transferring into public consciousness.


Long March Project — Yang Shaobin Coal Mining Project

Long March Project — Yang Shaobin Coal Mining Project

“Long March Project — Yang Shaobin Coal Mining Projects” was carried out from 2004 to 2008, consisting of two stages: “800 Meters Under” and “X–Blind Spot”. This project features a series of problems brought about by radical changes in agricultural production methods, industrialization, and social change. Immersing themselves into the coalmining world, Yang Shaobin and the Long March team addressed key problems caused by modernization – calling on geographical, environmental, ecological and ethical issues, as well as rapid industrialization, manufacturing economics, the collective consciousness and human rights.

Long March Project - the Great Survey of Paper-cutting in Yanchuan County

Long March Project – the Great Survey of Paper-cutting in Yanchuan County

Initiated in 2004, “the Great Survey of Papercutting in Yanchuan County” was a social project, mobilizing contemporary artists and grassroots culture, sending art cadres down to the countryside and drawing together artistic and sociological mechanisms to undertake a comprehensive survey of paper-cutting across the entire county, the result of which was a sample analysis of the state of local folk art that was later showcased in a large-scale exhibition. In 2006, the second phase of the project commenced, “Yanchuan County Middle and Primary School Paper-curring Art Curriculum”.