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Long March Project – KOREA 2018

“Long March Project – Korea 2018” is the first platform of discussion that aims to project a future destination where boundaries, limits and cultural divides are sympathetic to the necessity of subversion and open regard. For “Korea 2018” invited participants will be asked to imagine their arrival in a time zone of future speculation, where oppositional politics and historical spectacle concerning ideas of North and South are no longer a given praxis of cultural, social or artistic engagement.

“Korea 2018” is a confidential, creative meeting of minds. Art historians, writers, artists and filmmakers, from both sides of the present day Korean divide, have been invited to take part in what aims to be the beginning of a continuing dialogue, where issues such as the juncture between education and art; the definition of the “contemporary”; and the relationship between social politics and artistic production shall be on the agenda.

Initiated and mediated by the Long March Project, “Korea 2018” was first launched in Seoul as a part of the exhibition “Tomorrow” at the Kumho Museum and Artsonje Center (October 4 – November 4, 2007).